Why Alloy Wheels Are Better Than Steel Wheels

“Mag wheels” is another name for alloy wheels, and are made from the alloys of aluminium, or magnesium, or sometimes both as well. Aluminium and magnesium provide wheels with greater strength and flexibility.
The traditional manufacturing of wheels was done with steel mostly for strength and durability. But when it comes to sports and luxury cars, alloy wheels have always been in high demand. And for the last two decades, it’s been in-demand from the commercial market point of view as well!

Let us have a look at why these “mag wheels” have been in demand and is are they a better option than the traditional wheels:

1. It’s Better at Heat Conduction as Well as Dissipation:

Alloys have always been better than steel wheels when it comes to heat conduction or its dissipation. And because of this property, alloy wheels are far better in braking performances, leading to a decrease in brake failures.

2. Stunning Look:

The look of the alloy wheels is to die for! The kind of visual impact alloy wheels make due to fantastic cosmetic upgrades; the traditional steel wheels can never compete with stunning alloy wheels. This is one of the significant reasons why most of the car owners choose alloy wheels. It adds an extra “oomph” to their car’s personality!

3. Protection Against Corrosion and Rust:

Alloys are the best option when it comes to protection against corrosion. As alloy wheels are made from the alloys of aluminium or magnesium; they are less likely to get destroyed from rust and corrosion.

4. The Longevity of Tyres:

We all are well aware of the fact that rubber tends to wear out with heat resulting in decreased elasticity and finally its life. As alloy wheels have better heat dissipation feature, it helps the tyres to remain calm, adding new life to them.

5. Lightweight:

Aluminium and magnesium are much lighter metals than steel. It is not only a great advantage when it comes to weight reduction but also allows the wheel to operate at higher performance in any situation (terrain). As the alloy wheel has got a lighter frame, it puts a lesser strain on the suspension of your car, which then allows for faster acceleration.

6. Fuel Economy:

With being lightweight and better at handling (grip under control), alloy wheels further add up to better fuel efficiency to a certain extent. As for a car with alloy wheels means pulling lesser weight than the ones with the steel wheels, helping in reduction of fuel consumption.

7. Favourable For Tubeless-Tyres:

If you have got alloy wheels for your car, then you don’t need to worry about the loss of tyre pressure because these wheels act as a foil.

Now let’s have a look at the disadvantages of having alloy wheels:

· Not Strong Enough:

When it comes to strength comparison between alloy wheel UK and steel wheels, there’s no match for how durable steel is! And alloy wheels can’t withstand the harsh terrains as compared to steel wheels. This is the most crucial reason why you should think about which wheels to choose for your car.

· Expensive Production and Maintenance:

The manufacturing process is more complex and not only that but it also costs much more to repair when damaged.


After going through the whole post, you could get into a dilemma of choosing the right type of wheel for your car. Therefore, we, at wheels UK, recommend you to look for 14 Inch Fox Alloy Wheels for high-quality alloy wheels.


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